김유성 장로(Elder You Song Kim. 1929~02.12.2019)님이 2월 12일(화요일) 하나님의 부르심을 받으셨습니다. 만 89세입니다. (미국 부고 기사 링크: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/mcall/obituary.aspx?n=you-song-kim&pid=191578674&fhid=9578.)
저희 교회 출석 교인은 아니지만, 같은 미국 장로 교단(PCUSA)내 트리니티 대회(Trinity Synod) 리하이 노회(Lehigh Presbytery)소속 우리 교회(KCLV. Korean Church of Lehigh Valley)와 같은 멤버 교회인 미국인 영어 회중 '알렌타운 제일 장로교회(First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, Pa)의 장로로 시무하셨습니다.
한국 서울의 서울고등학교 1회 졸업생이며, 서울대학교 공과대학을 졸업한 뒤, 1954년에 미국으로 유학, 노스 캐롤라이나 주립대학에서 세라믹 엔지니어링(요업공학과)에서 석사, 럿거스대학에서 재료공학 박사학위를 딴 뒤, 리하이 밸리 지역으로는 1962년도에 벨 연구소 미국 직장으로 오셨습니다. 벨 연구소에서 30년간 근무했고, 우수 연구원 등에 선임되기도 했으며, 은티후 한국의 포항공대 부총장으로 10년간 역임했습니다.
리하이 밸리에 정착한 한인 가운데 1호가 아닌가 싶습니다. 리하이 밸리 한인회 1대 회장을 역임(창립회장은 이순원 박사-뮬렌버그대 정치학 교수 은퇴)했습니다. 유족으로는 사모님과 두 아들과 딸 한명 그리고 손자녀가 있습니다. 소천 이후 가족이 모인 가운데 따로 장례 예배없이 화장했으며, 추운 날씨가 풀린 봄철에 평소 출석하던 '알렌타운 제일 장로교회'에서 3월 30일 오전 11시에 추모 예배가 있을 예정입니다.
우리 교회에는 가끔 주일 예배에 출석하셨으며, 지난 1월 두 차례 건강한 모습으로 주일 예배에 출석하신 바 있습니다.
사랑하는 배우자와 아버지, 할아버지를 먼저 하나님 품에 떠나보낸 슬픔과 아쉬움이 있을 유가족들과 오랜기간 신앙생활을 함께 해온 교우들과 리하이 밸리 이민사회에서 지난 40~50년간 함께 교류해온 많은 한인들에게 하나님의 크신 위로하심과 은혜가 함께 하길 기원합니다.
우리 교회 방문했을 때, 사진 한장을 찍어놓지 않아서 아쉽네요.(노회에서 공식적인 부고가 사진과 함께 이메일로 와서 첨부합니다)
Dr. You Song Kim
Dr. You Song Kim, 89, of Allentown and formerly of Emmaus, died peacefully at home on Feb. 12, 2019. He was the husband of Dr. Kyu Sun (Lee) Kim.
Born in Seoul, Korea, he was the son of the late Baek Mann Kim and Hwa Nyo Lee.
Dr. Kim was a graduate of the first class of Seoul High School and Seoul National University. He received his Bachelor's (with honors) and Master's degree in Ceramic Engineering from North Carolina State University, and received his PhD in Materials Science from Rutgers University. During his 30 years as a research scientist at Bell Labs, he was awarded the title of "Distinguished Member of Technical Staff for his critical contributions to the development of magnetic materials and magnetic memory technologies, and was granted a U.S. Patent for inventing a fabrication process for integrated optical circuits.
Following his retirement in 1990, Dr. Kim was recruited to return to Korea by the founding president of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) to become a professor of electronic materials. Concurrently appointed as vice president at POSCO's Research Institute for Science and Technology (RIST), he managed a multi-million dollar research budget, but was most proud of mentoring his masters and doctoral students during his 10-year tenure. Upon his return to Emmaus, he happily continued to teach as a professor of optic materials at Rutgers and Lehigh University as well as serving as a consultant to a high-tech company, OptronX where he enjoyed keeping abreast of new technologies while sharing his vast knowledge, expertise and business connections amassed over the years.
While his intellectual pursuits were professionally fulfilling, his passion and joy has always been being with and serving people. He was an active member of First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, serving over the years as a Webelos scout leader, deacon, elder, and on the Lehigh Presbytery. Though he picked up golf late in life, he became an avid golfer and longtime member of Brookside Country Club where he had four memorable holes-in-one.
Dr. Kim is survived by his wife, Kyu Sun; sons, David Lee Kim and wife Phyllis and John Lee Kim and wife Melissa Hart; daughter, Esther Lee Kim and husband Jonathan Lee; brothers, Woo Seung Kim and Jeffrey Kim; sisters, Young Hyang Kim, Young Bin Kim, and Young Hee Abramson; grandchildren, Turner, Quin, Mikala, Kolby, Julia, Abigail, and Hannah.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 11 AM at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, 3231 West Tilghman St., Allentown. The Calling Hour will be 10 AM to 11 AM at the church. Interment will follow in the church memorial garden. Schantz Funeral Home, P.C., Emmaus is handling arrangements. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Luther Crest Benevolent Care Fund, 800 Hausman Road, Allentown, PA 18104.